RFU (Midlands) KO Competitions Rules
The Structured Season provides the Saturday dates in the season and is available for viewing and downloading from the Downloads page.
RFU KO Competitions (Midlands Division)
Please be aware that the Midlands section of the National RFU KO Competitions is administered by Roger Rees & Bob Taylor.
An entry form for the appropriate competition may be downloaded from the RFU KO Competitions page accessed from the banner above.
Any possibility of an entrant not being able to honour an RFU KO Competition game should in the FIRST instance be addressed to Roger Rees.
Once the administrator is in the know, then matters can be put in motion for further arrangements to be confirmed.
Failure to inform the administrator in the first instance will result in the offending club being fined in line with the published MRAI.
Roger Rees. E-mail : rogerwrees@sky.com Telephone : 01789 400082.
Please note that for this season only rearranged league games take precedence over all other games.
RFU Midlands KO Competition games might therefore have to be postponed to the next available Reserve weekend if a league game involving a KO Competition club is postponed/abandoned for any reason. It is up to the club needing to postpone a KO Competition game, due to a rearranged league game needing to be played, to contact its KO Competition opposition to let them know immediately of the situation. If this is the Home club then it also needs to let its local Referees Society know that the KO Competition game is postponed, so that a referee appointment is not wasted.
It has been decided that since 11 more games need to be played in Round 1 of the 3 RFU Midlands KO Competitions it was best to postpone the date of the 2nd Round until the 1st Round games had been completed. These unplayed Round 1 games are now scheduled to be played on or before the weekend of November 13th 2021 (subject to any league games having to be rearranged on that date before then). The 2nd Round will therefore be postponed to the next Reserve Saturday on the Structured Season i.e. January 22nd 2022.
Please note that the Reserve Saturdays on the Structured Season 2021-2022 are the only Saturdays when RFU Midlands KO Competition games can be scheduled by the MDOC.
At its meeting on Wednesday January 19th 2022 the MDOC discussed the issue of the lack of progress in the Midlands KO Competitions in this 2021-2022 season. Out of the twenty-four Round 2 games due to be played on 22/01/22, twenty-one have had to be postponed.
A contributing factor to this situation has been the fact that rearranged postponed league matches take precedence over all other games. This has resulted in the delayed Round 2 matches being delayed even further. In addition to this fact some of the next “Reserve” dates for possible rearrangements of these delay KO competition matches have already been taken up by further rearranged league games. It is therefore fairly obvious that the MROC will not be able to do the draws for Round 3 until at least the end of March and then only if there are no further postponements of league games.
The decision of the MDOC was therefore to cancel all three of the Midlands KO Competitions 2021-2022 forthwith.
The MROC can only apologise for having to do this but it is sure that Midlands clubs will understand why it was necessary.
CB KO Competitions will now become first in line for any spare dates when clubs do not have a rearranged league game to honour. This should mean that these CB Competitions will have a better opportunity to be concluded in time, before the end of the season.
RFU Knock Out Competitions
Midlands Division Only - For all rounds other than the Midlands Finals (National Quarter Finals)
The MDOC has decided to publish this information sheet in order to, hopefully, clear up any misunderstandings regarding what can and can’t be done administratively in these RFU KO Competitions organised by the MROC.
The draw for each round will be published within 10 days of the previous round being played i.e. by the second Monday after the game.
1. EMCs will be used in the RFU KO Competitions as in the Leagues.
2. You are allowed a squad of 18 players in these Cup matches - that is a team of 15 players and three replacements. Teams in the Junior Vase only (Level 9&10) are allowed up to five replacement players as in their League matches. Rolling replacements are allowed, as per League Regulations and the limitations they impose (8 interchanges (or 10 in JV)).
3. Within the squad you must have four players able to play in the front row, so that on the first occasions a front replacement is required you are able to do so, thereby allowing the game to continue with contested scrums.
5. In the event of any club having to drop out of a fixture, the defaulting club must contact either the MDOC Secretary or another MDOC officer directly, before contacting their opposition. Only the administrators can award a game to the non offending side. Both clubs will need to confirm to the administrators by e-mail that the game is being cancelled. The home club must inform First Eleven Sports of the resulting decision. The defaulting club will be fined £100 unless the MDOC deems there are extenuating circumstances. The £100 fine will be forwarded to the non-offending club in its entirety as compensation for the cancellation of the game.
6. The games must kick off early enough, so that in the case of extra time having to be played, the GMS can be updated with the result before the 5:30 pm deadline or the result of the game must be telephoned in to First Eleven Sports before the 5:30 pm deadline, and before the light fails in the winter months.
7. The Electronic Match Card should have the team lineups of both home and away teams in 'Confirmed' status at least 15 minutes before the game is due to kick off. Any alterations after this time should be done via the Competition administrator and not by the club.
8. The completed EMC should be checked for the correct recorded score and should be submitted by 5:00 pm on the Sunday following the game at the latest. Failure to do this will result in a £25 fine and possible exclusion from the competition.
9. Drawn Matches
Game Regulation 13.6.5 Drawn Matches (RFU KO Competitions)
(a) All knock out matches (except National Finals)
(i) In all knock out matches if after 40 minutes of play each way the scores are level, there shall be a five-minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one-minute interval.
(ii) If the scores are then still equal, the team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners.
(iii) If this does not produce a result, the team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners.
(iv) If the scores remain equal, in all matches save for the National Semi-Finals (where played at neutral venues) and National Final, the away team shall be declared the winners.
(b) National Finals (and National Semi Finals) where played at neutral venues
(i) In any National Final (or National Semi Final) where it is played at a neutral venue and where the Organising Committee agrees, if after 40 minutes play each way the scores are level, there shall be, after a five minute break, extra time between the same teams of 10 minutes each way with a one minute half time. If the scores are still level, the team that has scored the most tries shall be the winner. If this does not produce a result, the team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be the winner. If this does not produce a result, the team which scored the first try shall be the winner. If this does not produce a result, the team which scored the first points in the game shall be the winner.
RFU KO Competitions - Midlands Division Finals only (National Quarter Finals)
The MDOC has decided to publish this information sheet in order to, hopefully, clear up any misunderstandings regarding what can and can’t be done administratively in these Midlands Region RFU KO Competitions Finals organised by the MDOC.
1. EMCs will be used as above.
2. You are allowed a squad of 22 players in these Midlands Cup Final matches - that is a team of 15 players and seven replacements. Rolling replacements allowed as per League Regulations, i.e. 12 interchanges in total for each team.
3. Within the squad you must have five players able to play in the front row, so that on the first and second occasion a front replacement is required you are able to do so, thereby allowing the game to continue with contested scrums.
5. The games must kick off early enough so that in the case of extra time having to be played, the GMS can be updated with the result before the 5:30 pm deadline or the result telephoned in to First Eleven Sports before the 5:30 pm deadline, and before the light fails in the winter months.
6. The Electronic Match Card should have the team lineups of both home and away teams in 'Confirmed' status at least 15 minutes before the game is due to kick off. Any alterations after this time should be done via the Competition administrator and not by the club.
7. The completed EMC should be checked for the correct recorded score and should be submitted by 5:00 pm on the Sunday following the game at the latest. Failure to do this will result in a £25 fine and possible exclusion from the competition.
8. Drawn Matches - as in 9. Drawn Matches (a) above
Roger Rees. Bob Morrison
Secretary to the MDOC and RFU KO Competition Administrator RFU Registrar & First Eleven Sports Results Agency
Tel. :- 01789 400082. Tel. :- 0121 663 6631 (Midlands Results Service only) 01793 677878 (Office)
e-mail :- rogerwrees@sky.com e-mail :- office@rugbyadmin.net