Sanctions and Fines
Sanctions & Fines
The MROC is able to sanction any club that does not comply with or adhere to the RFU Regulations and the Midlands Regional Administrative Instructions. Where the Committee finds there has been a breach of RFU Regulation 6., it may impose such sanction as it deems appropriate, in accordance with the Sanctions Guidelines set out in Appendix 4, unless a fixed sanction is stipulated in Appendix 4.
A list of the sanctions available to the MROC may be found under RFU Regulation 6. Item 94.
The RFU recommends that clubs are fined for EMC misdemeanours, to include the following :
· Failure by each team to identify front row and replacement front row player(s) on the match card.
· Failure by each team to confirm their team line up at least 15 minutes before kick-off.
· Failure by the Home team to supply the score by 5:30 pm on a Saturday (or within 30 minutes of the end of the game on any other day).
· Failure by the Home team to enter the number of tries scored by each team, from the "Post-Match" tab.
· Failure by the Home team to submit the match card by the published deadline (Sunday 5:00 pm), from the "Confirmation" tab.
· Any alterations to the EMC squad list data after the 15 minutes before kick-off deadline (Note that everything is name, date and time stamped). [Any alterations after the 15 minutes before kick-off deadline must be done through and by the League Secretary or MROC administrator.]
· Lack of communication with the administrators of the Leagues (MRAI 5.1)
· Failure to notify the League Secretary/MROC administrator, via the EMC or otherwise, of a game being abandoned for any reason or a game going to uncontested scrums at any time (RFU Regulation 6. Item 70. to 76. and 82. + MRAI 10.6 and 10.7).
Failure to pay fines within 28 days will result in the fine being increased and may result in the offending club also having 5 Championship points deducted.
A club with any fines outstanding at the end of the season will be reported to the RFU, with a recommendation that the club be suspended or expelled from the League for the following season.